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Our wood

Hardwood comes from slow growing decidous trees that are incredibly dense, durable and resilient. With the right care, furniture made from these essences can last a lifetime. Hardwood is therefore our material of choice.


Maple is a dense, fine-grained wood found in Quebec and the United States. Pale in color, it has subtle variations in grain and markings. Maple is a very stable and resistant wood, making it ideal for furniture design. The maple we use comes from Quebec.


American White Oak

Oak is a dense and resistant wood. It is known for its beautiful open grain. It was traditionally used to make wine barrels. Its color, pale and tender, is often associated with Scandinavian design. Oak wood is hard, heavy and strong. Thanks to its tight grain, red oak is a dense wood, very resistant to impact and wear.

Of the tenthousands of species of walnut that exist in the world, only three are both dark and present in sufficient quantity to be marketed. These are European common walnut (Juglans regia), tropical walnut (Juglans neotropicana) and American black walnut. The latter is undoubtedly the most beautiful and the most attractive of all.  Chosen for centuries by the royal families of Europe, black walnut continues to be a sign of prosperity and nobility today. Due to its stability, walnut was used in the manufacture of propellers and other aircraft parts. Black walnut is also used in tabletterie (small wooden objects) and in marquetry; it is chosen for its very distinct natural color compared to other wood species.


Cherry offers premium wood with a fine grain. The dark red to brownish red appearance of the heartwood evokes luxury and elegance. The sapwood varies rather from white to pale creamy yellow. The essence of the cherry tree is used to make high-end furniture, architectural joinery, moldings and wood products. The American black cherry grows in North America. Cherry wood provides a nice finish and long lasting durability. Its superb reddish grain provides a beautiful finish and over time turns to a dark rust color.

Macassar Ebony

Wood alternating black and cream colors intended for high-end decoration, prestigious furniture, small objects, fine wood panels.



Le cerisier offre un bois haut de gamme avec un grain fin. L’apparence rouge foncé à rouge brunâtre du bois de cœur évoque le luxe et l’élégance. L’aubier varie plutôt du blanc au jaune crème pâle. L’essence de cerisier est utilisée pour fabriquer des meubles haut de gamme, menuiseries architecturales, moulures et articles en bois. Le cerisier noir d’Amérique pousse en Amérique du Nord. Le bois de cerisier offre une belle finition et une durabilité à long terme. Son superbe grain rougeâtre offre une finition magnifique et, avec le temps, se transforme en une couleur rouille foncée.


Ébène de macassar

Bois alternant les couleurs noires et crèmes destiné à la décoration haut de gamme, mobilier de prestige, petits objets, panneaux essences fines.

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